And the balloon ride winner is…
Dr. G News

And the balloon ride winner is…

WashU student Anusuiya Mehrotra won a ride with Dr. G in WashU’s Time Traveler hot-air balloon at the September 16 Great Forest Park Balloon Race. Anusuiya submitted the winning contest entry to answer the question: “Why is St. Louis on the rise?” And the 2023 race also marked the first time that WashU sponsored a […]

Campus Pride names WashU a Top 30 campus
News & Announcements

Campus Pride names WashU a Top 30 campus

Washington University in St. Louis has been selected as a Top 30 campus for LGBTQ+ students by Campus Pride, a leading national nonprofit working to create a safer college environment for such students. WashU was selected for its exceptional work in LGBTQ+ inclusive policies, programs and practices.

News & Announcements

Center for Diversity and Inclusion Announces New Offices

Effective August 2023, The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) within WashU’s Division of Student Affairs has a new structure. Mark Kamimura-Jiménez, associate vice chancellor for student affairs, believes this restructure will provide WashU students with a space and set of resources to help validate their lived experiences.

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